The NEXX X.WRL helmet is intended for riders seeking more technical and difficult terrain, and the ability to wear of off-road goggles. It's a super light-weight carbon helmet weighing only 1250 grams. It has a windscreen, but that could be easily removed if you want to use goggles. Also there's a goggle strap on the back. The cheek pads use the new X-HIDRO system which has smart straps that allow you to attach the tube & mouthpiece of a hydration backpack. The X.WRL is highly breathable featuring 5 air inlets and 2 outlets. The soft-touch X-Mart Dry fabrics help you to stay cool and feature a drying rate twice as fast as normal cotton. Built into each cheek pad is the Emergency Strap V2 System which allows for easy and gentle access to an injured rider’s head by trained medical personnel.